You’re a part time lover and a full time friend. You’re more than a boyfriend, you’re my best friend. You accepted me and never once judged me. Yes we do bicker, fight, push one another away. Ultimately, we’re young and so in love. We collided in this life and i guess things really do happen for a good reason. For me, you came into my life to show me how much more i deserve and happiness is something money can’t buy. Whenever i cry, you’re always there to give me a big bear hug and cry with me. You told me your only regret is not knowing me sooner. Where have i been? With all the wrong guys i guess. I like how your hands are of the same size as mine, how easily we slip our fingers into the gaps between our hands. I miss you even when you’re right beside me. I love you, my lover, my boyfriend and most importantly, my best friend
Best friend