kstewagreene asked: Hi there! I love your blog! Just wanted to know if maybe you could follow me? if not its okay too <3
Thank you, and I sure can!
anonymous asked: Can you give a shout out to fyeahlove-.tumbr.com?
It’s the same as this blog, but with pictures and videos only
…Is that just a copy of my tumblr? And every time I try to go to it, it redirects to myarticle.com. :/
itsguitarguy asked: Hey, what are some good songs to make love to in your oppinion? (Songs like Worlds apart by From First to Last)
You’re asking the wrong person. I never really liked the idea of making love to music. :/ I guess something slow would work though?
annie-psiloveyou asked: hi x) i’ve been wanting to ask for advice but every time i click on your ask button on your advice column it’s been all screwy :(
Ask through my formspring.
anonymous asked: what date are you on with submissions?
I don’t know. They don’t tell me what date they were submitted.
anonymous asked: how do you tell if a boy is just fucking with you? how do you know if he’s just saying things to make you trust him & get in your pants?
It really depends on the person. Some guys it’s impossible to tell, and some are really obvious about it. A few good signs are if he asks for sex too early and reacts very negatively when you decline and if he seems really obsessed with sexual activity and nothing else.