So this is me and my fiance Karlie, weve been together for about 17 months, but the thing is, im a MARINE.. i’ve faced the ground and ran countless miles for hours, more than i spent time with her.
When i went to bootcamp she never stopped on sending me letters every single day just to keep my motivation up, though i can only get to see it every week when i get lucky, but she was always there for me from the start.
We only see each other atleast once a month because shes 400 miles away and i have to do my job as a MARINE, but every time i see her, i always fall in love over and over again, 17 months of mostly long distance relationship.. MARINE + COLLEGE GIRL.. yes, Love works in mysterious ways, =]
now, she’s my fiance and i love her to death =]
-Semper FI