Ask me anything or (fuckyeahloveadvice is currently closed to questions but you may ask for advice in my formspring)
anonymous asked: As I clicked on the “Submit” button and this came out instead : “The URL you requested could not be found.”
Any idea why?
I have an idea. MAYBE it’s because submissions are closed until Thursday, just like it says in bold print on the top of my page.
saturdaystyle asked: i stumbled upon your blog and might i say that it’s cool! :) keep it coming! i’d love to hear you spreading love over at my blog too, will you? thanks a lot! :)
Thank you. :)
anonymous asked: why cant i submit a photo???
Because submissions are closed.
paulapokedyooh asked: Hey can you promote my blog? I would like it very much :) I just wanted to say that your blog reassured me that love is well, based on love. Not things like looks, money, and whatever else that some people keep telling me. :P Keep it up!
And about that promotion…I was just kidding. And poking fun. Kekeke.
It saddens me that people are actually trying to tell you that love can be based on looks or money, but I’m glad that I’ve been able to show you to a different path. :)
wordsaremyescape asked: to someone, somewhere you mean the world <3
You’re wonderful. <3
anonymous asked: How do you handle long distance relationship? My boyfriend of 2 years has just left for Cairo to further his studies and it will take him 4 years. He’ll only be back either once a year or once every 2 years. I’m literally dying inside D:
First off, you have to ask yourself if you really want to go through with a long distance relationship. Long distance isn’t for everyone, so you have to ask yourself if it’s right for you and if you can work at it. Especially in your case, since you will be seeing each other so little, your relationship will not be able to be based off of physical connection/seeing each other/spending time with each other anymore. My advice is to talk as much as you can. Talk to each other on the phone as often as possible. Also, if both of you have a computer and can get a webcam, webcamming helps a lot. Being long distance will definitely be hard and you both will struggle to adapt to this huge change in your relationship, but as long as you keep going despite the pain and loneliness and remind yourself that it is worth it, I think that you will be fine.
problemsandconfessions asked: Hello there!
Help promote this blog? (:
Please and thank you <3.
I’ll put it in my follow friday.