Whenever we touch, it’s as though everything just falls into place, especially me. I fall. Hard. But it’s all right because I know the landing will be soft and supported by you catching me in your arms.
It’s as though we entertwine, perfectly. Many twists and turns involved, all complex, significant, special, unforgettable, indescribable.
It’s as though I feel warm again. But it’s different from what is usually surrounding me. This warmth never gets too hot for me. I desire more, never feeling satisfied yet at the same time feeling content. Safe. Loved.
It’s as though I crave your touch. In the moment, when the moment’s passed, before it’s even happened. I yearn for it, knowing that even a second of contact will take me to another world. A world that I want to inhabit only with you. A world that I never want to leave.
It’s as though I get lost. But it’s ok, because getting lost in the moment means you’re taken away to someplace better. My brain forgets to work, my mind can’t process what is going on, because that’s not the important part. The important part is living in the now, in your arms, letting the feelings and emotions carry me off with bursting feelings of wonder and interest. Letting my sense of touch guide my way into your heart.
It’s as though time stops. Literally. Everyone else stops moving around us, or better yet, they all disappear. We don’t need spectators around us, watching our every move. The only ones that truly matter in that moment? You and me.
It’s as though….nothing else matters. At that moment is as though all I need is to feel you. Feel you nurturing me. Feel you opening up. Feel you unlock the closed up chest that stores your heart and soul, closed off from the world. Feel you becoming vulnerable, becoming raw, trusting me, letting me in as I already do with you.
No matter how much I may say I love you, it’s evident that actions speak louder than words. I know my actions say more than enough. And it’s as though yours respond willingly and return the feeling of love to me.
It’s as though everything is right. But that’s because it just is.
- lifegivesyoumelons.tumblr.com