nail-a-holic asked: Hi! Can you include my blog on you Follow Friday? I just started it today so I’d like to have a good start by having even just a few followers. Your blog is so cool, btw. I have always been a follower (on my other tumblr acct). :D
I don’t promote personal blogs, sorry. :/
anonymous asked: why would you delete my submission? i followed all the rules and i made the post so i could show my bf for our 11 months which was 4 days ago and ive been waiting since then for my post to show up.
I didn’t delete it because it was bad or you did something wrong or anything like that. I don’t post every submission I get. I get way too many to do so. So the ones that don’t get posted get deleted. You can’t take it personally.
anonymous asked: So I like this one guy and the other day, we went to the movies, and we sat next to each other. He put his arm on the armrest, and mine was there too. He slightly touched mine. And he also held my bag/books in class and when i dropped my binder, he helped put everything back in. He also asks me to hug him which I think is strange since he could just hug me… do you think he likes me?
I have no idea. He could like you, or he could just be being nice. It’s hard to tell when the things he does are so little.
anonymous asked: whats the name of the song in the video you made for killeh? :]
I didn’t make that video!
spincirclesforme asked: The song was Daylight by Matt and Kim for the person who asked :)
Thank you for clearing that up. :)
anonymous asked: My boyfriend and I were in a long distance relationship for 4 months, he lives 120 miles away from me. The most we could see each other was every two weeks, but not anymore. He broke up with me about two weeks ago, saying he doesn’t want a relationship like this. I just want him back, what can I do?
I don’t think there is anything you can do. Long distance isn’t for everyone. Some people are absolutely fine with it and some people can’t bear with it at all, even if they are seeing each other as often as every two weeks. You can’t force him into something he doesn’t feel comfortable and capable of doing.