My name is Candace White, I recently submitted my story to fuckyeahhlove. When Alex got really sick he wrote me this letter to tell me, everything. I really wanted to include it in my story, but I felt like the story was already a million miles long and I didn’t think anyone would really bother to read it. But so many people have kept me and Alex in their prayers and hearts, so I wanted to share this letter with all those people. Thank you. What Alex wrote in this letter is so beautiful. These few words have enabled me to keep living, and keep holding on.
“Hey baby,
How are you? Good I hope I don’t like when you’re not good because you probably aint smiling and that smile of yours could fix anything. I swear babe, it could even fix me. Every time you smile I get a little better. That’s probably why I’ve lasted this long. But then again that’s how it’s always been for you and me. I mess things up and you fix them. You have made me a better man. You have shown me something no one else in this world could. I didn’t know these type of feelings existed, until I met you. God damn you were so pretty, with your long brown hair. I sound like a cheesy fag, but babe you are beautiful don’t let no one tell you you aint because I will beat their ass. You mean so much to me Candace. You gave me your all. You were the first girl I truly cared for. My life has sorta been a mess with some fucked up shit and disappointments. I thought I was happy just living day by day doing my own thing. Until you entered my life. You had this like, passion. You really tried for us and I loved it, I loved you. But I was scared of alot of things and so I looked for escapes. And made the dumbest decision. I lost you. “get your life together I’m done” the last words you said to me. Those words would always come in my mind. Nothing was going right. I wont lie I tried to forget about you. But it was impossible. I would try to call or open a text but what was there to say. I knew nothing I said would fix it. I needed to change and win you back. I finally called and got to see you. Let me just say damn how was it possible for you to get sexyer? I remember saying alot of shit that day about everything. No one makes me cry. But there I was bawling like a fucktard. But somehow I got you back. Once again I had you in my arms and I was never letting you go babe. This is the time of my life I call “the dream” because everything is and was so perfect babe. Everything about you makes me smile Candace. Your dimples, when you read, how you bit your lip when you’re scared or sad. That’s really the worse pain, even worse than this, when I see you upset or sacred. But I think my favorite thing about you is your hugs. They make me feel alive. You’re everything. Playful, funny sexy, and the list goes on. But my favorite quality is your passion. Please don’t lose that. I don’t know where I would be or who I would be without you. Anything you need I’ll help you babe. Who would have thought I could find a girl like you. I don’t think you see what I see. You’re such a strong girl Candace, you really don’t give yourself enough credit. But that’s why I’m here to always remind you of how amazing you are. You are my life and I wouldn’t want anything more. I know you may be scared (because I sure am) but know that I’m right here to hold your hand, I’ll always protect you no matter what baby. I promise you that. You are so beautiful, so loving, so many great things. And you love me, messed up and sick and all. I wonder how and why I got so lucky. My sunshine, my love, my baby, Candace Taylor White you amaze me. I want you to know that I love you so very very much, forever and ever.
You never fail to make me smile.”
* and in my submission there was a typo my birthday is February 16th
by anonymous