Hello fuckyeahlove.
I made this little something for a special someone in the other side of the world. Let’s just disguise him in the name “Parmesan.”
(I was born and raised in the UAE and studied there ‘til high school. I am now in the Philippines, getting closer to graduating college.)
Parmesan and I were schoolmates back in high school. He was a batch lower than me and back then, we never really spoke to each other. But two months ago, we got close through Facebook. That’s basically where all the mess began.
To make the long story short, he was left devastated from his previous rel’ship that took place a few years back and since then, he avoided inflicting any of the four-letter word on himself. I understood that. But… I couldn’t help but fall for him because he was just too smart and surprised me with his poems that were made of all sorts of wonderful.
I’m a sucker for poems. It’s like a piece of heaven brought down to this earth in the form of verse.
Anyways, despite being here in the Philippines while he was all the way in UAE, I fell for Parmesan. He was either not feeling the same way or was afraid. We argued real bad for more than a week now. We didn’t know where we stood. He was scared. I was scared. We both got scarred with words exchanged. But we started talking again although, not like how we used to and not as often anymore.
From my side of the world to his, it’s not impossible to fall for someone on the internet.
Anyways, I’m sure he won’t see this. But then the reason why I made this for him was because… I’m ready to save the friendship we made. It’s really worth it. My feelings might stay for a while, but I guess I’m willing to swap that for a friendship for keeps.
It hurts, but it will be worth it. He’s worth it.